25-26 4K Info night

4K Registration Instructions for 2025-26 Coming Soon!

Our Curriculum is modeled off of WMELS and is play based. 

Health and Physical Development

Children's future health and well being are directly related to the development and strengthening of their large and small muscles, involvement in sensory experiences, and the practicing of healthy behavior. 

Social and Emotional Development

Social and emotional is an ongoing process of skills acquisition and mastery, involving emotions, perception, cognition, and language. There is a direct relationship between a child's social and emotional well being and overall success in school and life.

Language Development and Communication

During the first years of life, language has an essential impact on the rapid development of a child's brain. Children increase their language and communication skills by expressing their ideas and feelings, and by listening and understanding others while engaging in meaningful experiences with adults and peers. 

Approaches to Learning

The acquisition of knowledge, skills, and capacities is an insufficient criterion of developmental success. Children must be inclined to master such skills and capacities. 

Cognition and General Knowledge

Children acquire knowledge by linking prior experiences to new learning situations. As a child applies and extends prior knowledge to new experiences, he or she refines concepts or forms new ones.

Contact Information:

Michelle Scheftgen
4K Teacher

Christine Schreurs
4K Teacher

Aaron Casper
Early Childhood Teacher