Welcome & Statement of Philosophy
The School District of Random Lake encourages all students to participate in extra-curricular activities as a means to personal growth, skill development, socialization, creativity, and competitive experience. The value of extra-curricular activities is recognized as important and supportive of the total educational process.
It is the position of the School District of Random Lake that involvement in extra-curricular activities is a privilege with accompanying responsibilities and expectations.
The following goals are emphasized within Random Lake's extra-curricular activities.
Be available to all students
Provide maximum participation opportunities at the entry levels
Provide for the development of positive attitudes
Provide opportunities to develop, exemplify, and observe good sportsmanship and citizenship
Extra-curricular activities provide opportunities for learning experiences beyond regular school curriculum. The School District of Random Lake will therefore attempt to impart the following objectives:
Provide opportunities for cooperation, competition, and leadership
Provide activities for learning self-discipline, sacrifice, loyalty, team play, personal pride, pride in the organization, respect for the rights of others, and the will to be successful.
Place the unit, team, class, school, community, and family above personal desires.
Help learn good habits of health, wellness, and safety.
It is the belief of the School District of Random Lake that adherence to the above goals and objectives will develop the participant's responsibility, adaptability, commitment, and self-worth. These values will then translate into behaviors the individual will display as productive, responsible, and contributing members of society.