October 9th-13th is our Random Lake Haunted Homecoming week! Students have been busy with window painting, float building, hallway decorating, designing t-shirts, and competing in dress up days! During this week they also will be participating in a food drive. Please bring 2 food items for admission to Girl’s football and boy’s volleyball, or drop your items off in any school office!
Powderbuff volleyball will take place October 10th in the high school gymnasium at 6:30 pm. October 11th is girls powderpuff football. This will take place at 6:30pm at the high school football field. Come watch our students give everything they”ve got for the win during these games!
Friday, October 13th, will be the pep rally, parade, and the football game! The pep rally will be hosted in the high school gym from 12:50-2pm, with the parade to follow at 2:15. The football game will start at 7:00 pm. Come out and support all of the clubs and classes Random Lake has to offer!
Spirit week dress up days are as follows:
Monster Monday- Freshman zombies, Sophomores vampires, Junior mummies, and Seniors are ghosts! Staff members are participating as witches.
Class T-shirt Tuesday- Wear your class shirt! (staff wear tie-dye)
Barbie/Ken Wednesday- Dress as Barbie or ken!
Deadly Duo Thursday- Match with a friend!
RL Spirit Friday- Wear your Ram pride!