conservation fair flier

Mrs. Weeks has been teaching an array of science and outdoor education classes for a number of years now at Random Lake High School. Since her time here she has brought back the school forest and added an outdoor classroom. With this outdoor classroom she opened up multiple community service opportunities for students and allowed students to learn about science and biology in the field. Mrs. Weeks has also brought the Conservation Fair to Random Lake to help support the school and many other businesses that come during the fair. Hatchet Club was also an additional club Mrs. Weeks has established to allow students that have a love for the outdoors to be able to put that love to use. With this club, activities include wreath making, hiking, camping trips, and much more. Thanks to Mrs. Weeks, students, businesses, and many more can show and act on their love for the outdoors while providing a strong classroom environment, a strong community, and a strong culture.

by Tyler Schoneman