Open House and Supply Drop-off
We have some changes for the start of school this year. We will be moving the Open House to January when the new addition opens. School supplies can be dropped off on August 29th from 8:00 am - 6:00 pm for Elementary & Middle School students*.
Please park in the front of school and enter through door N-4 near the elementary playground.
*High School lockers are not ready, so those students may bring their supplies on the first day of school.
The building will be open and students can drop off any school supplies. The elementary and middle school offices will be open, however, the teachers may not be in the building. We are looking forward to a great school year.
Jornada de puertas abiertas y entrega de suministros
Tenemos algunos cambios para el inicio de clases este año. Moveremos la jornada de puertas abiertas a enero, cuando se abra la nueva incorporación. Los útiles escolares se pueden dejar el 29 de agosto de 8:00 am a 6:00 pm para los estudiantes de primaria y secundaria. El edificio estará abierto y los estudiantes podrán dejar sus útiles escolares. La oficina estará abierta; sin embargo, es posible que los maestros no estén en el edificio. Esperamos tener un gran año escolar.
Los casilleros de la escuela secundaria no están listos, por lo que esos estudiantes pueden traer sus útiles el primer día de clases.
Annual Update
Please check your email for reminders from Kim Bullard about the Annual Update. Both the Annual Update (or Registration for new families/students) step and the completion of the registration documents must be done in order for your student(s) to be registered for the school year.
The Annual Update Steps are provided here for your convenience. Kim will be available in the Middle School office on Thursday the 29th if you need assistance with the process.
Questions about school supply drop off, locker set up or the annual update can be directed to the offices at either (920) 994. 4342, option #4 or #1.